Spare time

Smoke your dreams
Transform reality
Flush into your unconscious
Let your real instincts be free
Let your senses guide you
Collapse the barriers upon your way
Free yourself
Escupe sobre esta residencia:3 escupitajos


Drop by drop
My blood goes into the sink
Get pale
Get dizzy
Starting to fall apart
Loosing my senses
A feeling of emptiness
Crawling on the floor aside of a sink
Trying to lift myself
My eyes go blind
No strength to keep myself struggling
Escupe sobre esta residencia:0 escupitajos

Excitement and mental desperation
A huge rage with no way to handle it
A vicious and untamed animal you are
Survival instincts
A blood satisfaction that needs to be filled
Rampaging the walls
Reality again
One drop more
And shadows turn towards you
Facing you with blank faces
Blood coming through the walls
Wine and white roses falling from the sky
Pretty nice experience
And we shall continue
With another sweet little drop
Escupe sobre esta residencia:0 escupitajos


You sink
While my brain goes blank
External confusion
Such a great feeling of joy
Giving up to everything
Bizarre our world turns
Excessive ideas
Excessive foolishness
Pumping the blood
Getting lost
A strange reality
Which I like
Escupe sobre esta residencia:0 escupitajos

Choose not to live

Stab yourself
Rip your flesh
Worms and cockroaches inside you
No organs
No veins
Only a repulsive pack of shit
Chop your head
There is no brain
Just dust
Chop your eyes
They break as they are made up of glass
No human
No life
Escupe sobre esta residencia:0 escupitajos